Monday, October 13, 2008

I am in Paris with Spooner! And we met this Canadian named Derrick, but we saw him like 30 minutes before we met him and we had created a real story about him before we stealthily said, "Excuse me, will you take a picture fo us in front of the Arc de triomphe?" Of course he said yes and then we told him we wanted to be friends and (IN did not think think was a good idea) Spooner told him we conjectured that he was in IT. This ended up offending poor Derrick who happens to be an Epipedimiologist. Specializes in TB in Canada and stuff. Very interesting work - I got scared I would get TB in Ethiopia but Derrick (who I like to call Jeff, long story) assured me that it is certainly treatable and I probably will be OK. Thanks, Derrick.

I would like to give shout outs to teh following people:
1. Zach Tayloe (not the president.... actually from the NCS class of '99)
2. Nathan and Katie because I love them
3. Dear old Dad
4. My MOM!!!!!! She is a gem and put together my 'Africa' bag and sent it to Switzerland via Glenn
5. Canada
6. Ankles (obviously)
7. Erika Anderson Cronin, her unborn child, and Irish husband who I will be hanging out with in less than 48 hours
8. Sarah Stockman Spooner
9. Escargot. Because I just at them for the first time.

OK FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVE TO MENTION THIS. The French evidently LOVE La Bamba. OK Spooner and I heard it iont he Metro last night. This random guitar man got on the metro train and in French evidently said he was going to serenade all people on the train and proceeded to play and sing La Bamba. One hour later, we were at the Eiffel Tower walking around and there wasa group of french college students and out of nowhere one pulls out a guitar and starts playing and singing La Bamba. We laughed hard. And now, at the hostel, while simultaneously on the internet, the real La Bamba just came ont he radio and we started cracking up.. Seriously peopl eI have not heard this song in like a year and wham 3 times in 24 hours in PARIS! Love it.

1 comment:

Joyce said...

Thanks for the shout out--i must interject, however, that i wish you sent some bubbles home and kept the wipes!!!!(even IF TB is treatable)--love la blog---say hello to erica