Monday, December 8, 2008

A Tribute to... Stephen Cowan, TBone, Emma Richard, and VB Celebs

Out of my first 10 days back in Virginia Beach, I managed to hang out with Stephen Cowan 7 times. What is this, 1998? I am also reminded of our time together at JMU when I would force-feed him Captain Vitamin cereal and drag to him along to Ft. Defiance Young Life events as a club helper. I, for one, find this a great return to the locale of my childhood.
Thanks, Steve for the hearty 'Welcome Home.' See a few highlights below...

Stephen, being amazing while playing basketball with 5 year old Emily. (Ladies! He's single! Good looking, funny, great with kids, good job - Engineer, athletic, likes puppies and long walks on the beach...)

Uh oh, Stephen ran an errand for his Aunt (also he is committed to benevolent acts) and found himself in the throws of a female-infested Pampered Chef Party. He ducked out of there as quickly as possible, but not before the likes of Joyce and Bobbi could say, "Go on Stephen, eat! There's lots of good stuff, don't be shy!"

As it should be, Larry Avenue is still the hub of our relationship, as it has been for the last 25 years. Here we are at Ryan and Kristin's last Friday night, being awesome.
Stephen ridiculed me for taking this photograph of the vintage Christmas ornament. I told him it would be good, but he did not believe! See Stephen?

I took the 2 previous photographs at Ryan and Kristin's house. Kristin and Ryan have begun to host "Fridays at Five," which really is more accurately named: "Fridays at 630 or 7ish" but that lacks the alliterative ring of "Five". Very fun!

Obviously Tommy Weiglein (better known as Tbone) is the life of the party.

TBone, not afraid of falling asleep at another's house.

TBone, not afraid of waking up, putting the antlers back on, and falling asleep again.

Then today Leesburg native, Emma Richard who just happens to reside in VB as a VA Wesleyan student came over for some fun during exam week! "Hey Emma, I've got a great idea! It's 28 degrees outside so let's ride bikes to the beach and eat lunch at Nick's - it'll be great. Bring gloves."
If you want a chuckle go ahead and take note of the differing heights of our bike seats.
Emma is 4'11'' which means she is legally a midget. I am 5'11' and my seat has to be up so high it's kind of embarrassing to ride because I feel as though I am presiding over the world as a pedal along. Emma luckily got to ride Joyce's bike, which means she has no-holds-barred access to the bike bell "Bringggg Bringgg!"

It was fun. My hands felt like they were going to fall off. It was freezing.

(And a special thanks to Glenn for snapping these pics)

And finally, I wish I had a photograph for this little tidbit.
There are a few VA Beach celebrities. Ya know, people who seem to know everyone, who are so lovely to be around, who you just seem to run into often - and not just while in VB. These are the people that legends are made of. It never fails that every time I am in VB I run into one such celebrity. It usually happens at Target at Hilltop. It's been known to happen at Panera behind Chic Fil A. And this time, surprise! There she was, THE ASHLEY HAMILTON, at CrossCurrent Church. Always a pleasure, a delight really - there she was with her million dollar grin and encouraging words. Here's to you, Ashley Hamilton, giving me a sense of stability once more in this often chaotic and unpredictable world. Thanks. Now that I have seen Ashley I keep thinking, "When will I see Chip Larkin?"


Ash Ham said...

Why thank you Erin! I also wish there were a picture to represent the fact that we're friends outside of target and panera!Now that you've seen me, stop by Purple Cow. Chip Larkin still works there and from what I hear, he's there more often then not.

kace said...

you need to write a book.. i was just laughing pretty hard i might add.. i think bc i was just thinking of you all all these adventures.. my neighbors house is for sale.. think about it. toledo? where else could you see more gray skies?

Erin said...

Ashley! Of course you know where to find Chip Larkin! You celebs run in the same circles. Probably you will also name your future children ridiculous things, like "Apple."

And KC. Girl, you flatter me. Although, good lord this is random and I just now realized/remembered it - Kari and Mike O Shea were in a dream I had recently! WEIRD! But Toledo? You and Dan are great and all, and I love the Moans, but I don't think Toledo is my speed-o. Not the bathing suit kind of speedo; i made it up bc it rhymed :)

Ash Ham said...

I think it's safe to say that I will never have a kid named Apple, but if I come up with an other unusual names for my hypothetical children, you will be the first person I call.