Monday, December 15, 2008

Weighing in at 15+ Pounds!

In 2008 the Hatchers welcomed two new family members. The most recent is my sister-in-law Kristin Ward Hatcher - what a gem! And I tell her always, our best friend potential is very high. Here we are in Charlottesville at a Vineyard for the 4th of July.

The first addition of the year (and the recipient of MUCH attention in this post) is Brooke Elizabeth Hatcher, born in May. This week Brooke weighed-in over 15 pounds, which is pee-wee for a 7 month old, but we are so proud of her and excited for every pound gained!
Brooke was born with VSD, a heart condition that varies in severity depending on each individual case. Brooke had one significantly sized hole in her heart wall and later, we learned that this one hole was not alone. Her first few months were a real battle. And she met these months with grit and a can-do spirit. As they toted Brooke to and from doctors' appointments, lived with her in the PICU for weeks, and got familiar with the Hampton Inn in Charlottesville nearby UVA Hospital her parents, Nathan and Katie were pictures of strength and grace and faith and hope. Below you will find lots of pictures of Brooke (in chronological order). She is a little fighter, and I love her.

With Grandad at the hospital when she was born.
With Grandmommy - a few days old
Being awesome in her first days after she was born

After Brooke's first procedure at UVA Children's Hospital in July

Tra la la! In her Bumbo seat!

At Ryan and Kristin's wedding with her amazing aunt and her dad.

Her Uncle Ryan is obsessed with her.
This picture is her Grandad's favorite because her little legs look so silly.

Katie and Brooke for Halloween!

Ahaaha - one of my favorites

The most recent pic of the little family at Beckett's for breakfast yesterday - Yay Brooke!
(Disclaimer: Nathan does not like this photograph. He told me I did a bad job because I 'cut off' the top of his head. I told him to give me a break and to deal with it.)