Sunday, January 11, 2009

Photographic Gems from the Holidays

Christmas 2008!

Hey Family hey hey!

A little more ridiculous... just how I like things.

And then the girls take a trip to Smithfield. Naturally. For those of you familiar with the American Girls Doll collection, you will appreciate this tribute to Kirstin and her Swedish? family holiday tradition of wearing a wreath on her head.

Also Smithfield has a bench and statue of Benjamin Franklin. Hey Ben, thanks for the key on the kite and the bifocal. Watch your hands though, bud.

Steve Jeter and Erin Hatcher. A real story of friendship in the most unlikely of times. Sure we were in school together for like 4 years back in the nineties - not one conversation ever happened between the two of us then. But we just needed to be reunited in 2003 in DC and then wham! The friendships sparks flew! Shout Out to Senora Jeter!

I would like to go on record one more time saying that I LOVE THE GIRARDIS.

Love her. Rach!

Ringing in the New Year in DC!


Chris & Rachel Girardi said...

i love the second to last pic where chris is doing his little walk/ of the best parts of the night!

Nina said...

Pollito Chicken, Callina hen, La piz pencil, and pluma pen

Erin said...

Maestra teacher, puerto door, ventaqna window and piso floor.

Snra: "Diego, you pray for us today."
Diego: "OK. Hola Padre..."

Snra: "Erica, that skirt is just way too short. Go ahead and turn aruond and face the wall."

Nina said...

Snra: Clase! Clase! Where are you going?

Clase: To see the helicopter landing!

Erin said...

HOLY CRAP! I TOTALLY FORGOT about the helicoptor! OH - MY - Gosh! I nerly cannot breahte I am laughing fo hard. Was that Kristy Flynn's dad? Was he the same one who always brought expired frito lay? Oh Lord. Seriously this made my week. Thank you for remembering that.