Sunday, March 1, 2009

Well Pin a Rose on Your Nose

Once I returned from Le Life Journey I put the cabash on any trips to Target (Geez I feel so shallow even admitting this) because historically I am instantly diseased with Affluenza when I walk through the doors. The side-effects of Affluenza include wide-eyed wandering through the spacious, well-lit aisles and thoughtless consumption: the need for that 75% off Isaac Mizrahi shirt, a few stupid trinkets from the One Spot, a $7 DVD or three, yet another handbag, a well-packaged something-or-other surprise gift for a friend, and obviously some huge earrings or bangle bracelet.

This weekend I procured a 13-week stint of gainful employment and after much thought decided it was OK to make a grand return to Target and buy myself a treat. Seeing as how this was a momentous occasion, obviously I called Rach to see if she wanted to accompany me. (Plus, her input is always spot-on in the dressing room.)

We wandered around the two-story Target in Columbia Heights and tried on a bunch of stuff, but after an hour or so neither of us were feelin' anything. Ambivalence. For the first time in my life (I think) I emerged from Target with empty hands. Hooray! "Rach, Look at us! I'm so proud of us!" I exclaimed upon our exit.

(Although I must admit,
the handbags shown at
left were not for sale in
the store as they are on and if they
had been an option, I
would not have left Target

I just re-read this post and now maybe I am embarrassed to be me.


Anne Marie said...

Oh no - don't be embarrassed; we've all been there girl (especially with Target). I find it's actually almost disappointing to walk out of Target empty-handed.

Fortunately, it's rarely the case ;)

kace said...

been there.. a few weeks ago i was actually banned! i think i am also for the whole month of march... opps! hope all is well miss your face!

Breitenberg said...

we call Target my sister's mother ship. she claims that sometimes she goes "just to be happy" and cares not whether or not she consumes anything.

I like this approach. why deny our comsumerist heritage - just embrace that being in an environment like that makes us feel good ---

you don't have to spend
you just have to pretend
