Wednesday, May 6, 2009

"Ryan started the Fire"

Visual - Both of us hard at work at our respective desks in our shared corner office with a great view of Olde Town Hampton. Ryan, munching on beef jerky while type-type-typing away.

Ryan: (to no one in particular) "I love Bob FM"


Erin: "Why do you love Bob FM today, Ryan?"

Ryan: "The same reason I like it every day, Erin. It plays good music."

And immediately Crocodile Rock comes on.

Keep your knob on Bob. Thanks, Eric Warden.


Also worthy of noting.... today we arrived separately (no carpool for us today) and found on our desks, 8 1/2 x 11 plastic-framed affirmations. Two weeks ago our Director asked everyone to email her affirmations for each person in the office. We did not know the purpose of this task, but obeyed. Today we learned the "why" behind the action. A few gems from our individual Affirmations for you to enjoy.

  • Sharp as a tack.
  • Kind-hearted, great sense of humor, charming :)
  • Smart, good-looking, intelligent, hard-working, related to me
    (Can you guess who wrote that one?)


  • She is very helpful.
  • I haven't known Erin that long, but I love how sweet she is!
  • Erin brings out the best in all of us.
  • Enthusiastic, Righteous, Impartial, Not negative

You may have noticed that the last bullet above is an acrostic. Ryan (clever) thought it would be funny to do acrostics for his Affirmations. He printed a list of 'office adjectives' from the Internet and used them as a helpful tool while creating his office-affirmation-poetry, hence "impartial" listed above.

Yesterday was another one of those days when he and I started cracking up at our desks because come on, this set-up is so absurd. I love life.


Kristin said...

thank you so much for this post. i love the stories that come out of that corner office.

Nina said...

Remember when Eric Warden would come to Spring Branch and we would just go crazy. He was like a celebrity to us.