Monday, August 24, 2009

North Veaux Loop and Lori Canupp's Neon-lit Pool

Both things from my high school days that came together 6 years ago in a beautiful union at Galilee Episcopal Church. And now, this union has produced this little pumpkin-face (as well as another, not pictured) who greeted my groggy eyes from barely a foot away from my face at 6:50am Sunday. After a silent beat, Pumpkin-face's mouth opened with this: "I'm gonna pee pee in the potty instead of in my diaper." Well good morning to you too, Lilly.

We girls decided several weeks ago that we were goin' out! Alan affirmed this and strongly encouraged the venture. Many dates were tossed around, venues discussed, and in the end where did we decide to go? Obviously we unanimously agreed to hit up The Banque! Oh gol-ly I was excited. I think I went there once, like 5 years ago and swore that one day I'd return. The Banque is pretty much the seediest, most enjoyable, and only country-western establishment in the area. (Well, I never have been into the Aberdeen Barn - does that count as a seedy establishment?) It was SO FUN! Hooray! Best line from our favorite song: "I like her butt."
Saturday night followed an afternoon and evening of torrential downpours and I knew that we'd really have to rally in order to follow through on our plans - especially with mothers of little ones. I mean who can blame them? They are unselfish people whose days are very full and rain always makes people want to go to sleep. I dug deep, grabbed a bunch of dresses and jewelry and headed to Norfolk to pre-game: "Put the coffee on, Wendy - I'm gonna need a boost to get me through the night."

Two cups of coffee, much arguing over Lori's attire, and a short drive later..... The Banque!

If the following statement isn't true, I don't know what is.

I feel the need to point out that The Banque shares real estate with Big Lots. I have been a fan of 'The close-out store' since finding smashed cereal boxes in Portuguese for like $1 back in the nineties. [Also note the PACKED parking lot. We're not the only ones who know where to find a good time in Norfolk on a Saturday night.]

It is generally agreed-upon that Lori Canupp is a diamond in the rough. She is in good company in this photograph with Jamie Edins Hartsfield. People, Eric Hartsfield hit the jackpot. I am currently obsessed with Jamie!

Listen, old guys - do you want to be accepted by and dance with younger women? Learn how to two-step and head to The Banque. This old guy in white sneaks, who was not particularly coordinated I might add, managed to twirl us all around the dance floor. His allure? He knew how to dance and taught us! He was completely endearing and non-creepy --- we loved him! Go get 'em, White Sneaks. According to him he hit up The Banque because he had a weekend night "without the kids."

Line Dance it up, people. The guy to the left in the red striped shirt, Bobby, was two-steppin' with girls on the dance floor all night. I kept wanting him to ask me to dance because he was really good. I finally got my wish after this line dance when he came over and started singing to me. Yes!

Gah! This photo was meant to document dancing with Bobby! Who is this blasted couple in the foreground?

The following photograph serves to support my deep love for Beyonce. Girlfriend always spans genres and unites us all. If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it. (One of the few songs we could dance to without needing to know a line dance. Thanks, B.)

And now a special thanks to a one Alan Wallace Strickland for banque-rolling our evening, as promised by providing his Visa card. A generous and precious peach, that Alan Strickland.


Ariana said...

i believe that meghan goes there often. ironic? no, i think it makes complete sense why two fun ladies would enjoy the same club.

Erin said...

Not sure we can call The Banque a "club" but I'm sure the proprietors appreciate the generous term. I do love that Meghan goes there. Is she still at CNU?