Thursday, September 2, 2010

Time For a Face Lift


However, I am slightly embarrassed at the shameless plug for my new little free template design website as seen top left.  Now everyone knows my secret: I was not techno-macbookpro-savvy enough like all you SMAD folks to design and implement my own, originial blog template. I know, you're all really surprised by this news.  OK also - as soon as Amber and I figure out how to access the free high-speed Internet that supposedly flows (similar to milk and honey in the Promised Land) into our place, I hope to update a little more regularly perched atop my little stool at my precious desk in the bedroom of my amazing new beach side abode.  Oh adjectives how I like you.

Shout out to Bob O'Connor
Neighbor, Landlord, Legend. 
And former City Council candidate "I believe in miracles; I believe in Bob." Do you?


Katie said...

hot bliggity blog

size too small said...

if bob only knew the celebrity status and following he has gained.