Friday, January 6, 2012

Who put the donk in Badonk? That is my question.

These are the Dirty Boyz.

This is Erin, rear view.

After Spooner and I exchanged a few pleasantries and woeful Redskins remarks with the Dirty Boyz while walking past them, Jon Horne claims he witnessed one Dirty Boy nudge another, motion to the female passersby and quip, "Check out that badonk."

If this claim is in fact true, Spooner is adamant the aforementioned comment was not aimed at her badonk.  And I must concede, I begrudgingly agree with her.  

The best part is that Jon Horne's chest puffs with pride each time he tells this story, while I red-faced, try to hide.  Well, that not entirely true.  He is proud, and though a little embarrassed, I did put it on the internet.  I think it's very funny.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Please add this to "Reasons Erin Horne is absolutely amazing!"