Monday, October 27, 2008

Oct. 27

I neglected to tell people here that my birthday was Oct.27th because I was conducting a bit of an experiment on myself. See, I always LOVE my birthday and typically shout it from the rooftops. This year, I thought, maybe I will try not to tell anyone. It will be a regular day. Can I do it? Many times I wanted to blurt out the good news of my birth, but I managed to keep a tight lip. And gosh, so many of the House Kids don't even know their birthdays or their ages, and ya know – I think I can be an adult for once in my life, ya know? I just didn't want a big deal made out of the 28 year old ferange's birthday, when these precious kids don't have anyone celebrate them, ever.


Suze said...

Happy belated birthday!!! I thought of you on the 27th, promise! Fun fact...Andrea's baby, Oz, was born on that very day! How fun!! xxoo!

Chris & Rachel Girardi said...

awww! i just realized that you're still posting stuff on here...didn't expect to hear from you in ethiopia! happy belated b-day...chris and i thought of you and talked about you that day!