Monday, November 3, 2008


I would first like to point out that Nina Simone is supposed to give birth today. Go get 'em, Nina!
Second – I have been having a lovely time with three Americans who are here teaching English for the entire school year. Kaitlyn is 19 years old from Ft. Wayne, IN. Abbey is a 19 year old from teeny-tiny Flannigan, Illinois. And Scott is in his mid-50's from Florida. Friday was Halloween so I suggested a Halloween Dinner! We all had to get creative and somehow come up with costumes and they had to be a secret until dinner. So fun! I decided that this year I would be a Japanese lady. I mean, of course. I had a striped sheet that I cut a hole in for my head, with the help of an Italian pashmina around my waist – instant kimono. Throw your hair in a bun with some pens criss-crossed like chopsticks, wear white socks with skinny black flip flops and voila! A white, light-brown-haired, nearly 6 foot tall 'Japanese' woman. Totally feasible. Hey people, it's Halloween, the sky's the limit. I will say that my costume had some serious engineering problems in the rear, but it ended up being really fun.


Tara said...

hahaha...I just wanted to let you know that every Ethiopian post you've written has been immensely entertaining, and I would have been right there with you at the goal post. I want pictures of your Japanese costume masterpiece!

Jonathan W. said...

You're japanese halloween costume reminds me of a joke that one traveling ferange lady told me. It starts out like this... What did Sushi A say to Sushi B? :)