Thursday, November 27, 2008


The last 2 days of Le Life Journey involved a teeny bit of time in beloved Loudoun with Mike and Nat, a stopover in Colonial Williamsburg to hang with Sophia, Nina, Travis, and to meet my new little love, Olivia "Cheyenne" Simone, and an iconic American tradition.

Hey Baby Girl!

Isn't Nina beauuuuuuutiful?! Proud mother of two.
"Nina. You have 2 children. That is so legit."

This morning (Thanksgiving Day) I did perhaps the most embarassingly American thing I have ever done. Go hard or go home. I met Ryan at 430am at K-Mart for a pre-Black Friday Thanksgiving Day crazy sale so he could get an enormous Plasma Screen TV.

Consume America, consume.

Ryan setting up our camping chairs in the aisle in line.

E: "Ryan, do you think they have coffee in here?"
R: "I doubt they sell brewed coffee."
E: "And they call themselves a super center..."

Good Morning? (Forgive the hat, but I was really cold.)

First in line. Ryan remembered these die-hards from last year's K-Mart Thanksgiving sale when he stood in line with Kevin Magee. According to Ryan they were first in line last year, too.

Ryan chatting it up with other early risers, reminiscing about the olden days of Cabbage Patch Kids, Tickle-Me-Elmos, and XBox 360's. There is a real camaraderie among the crazed front-of-the-line folks.
The blond lady up front knew K-Mart employees by name. Impressive.

Victory. Ryan pushing enormous plasma flat screen out the front door of KMart at 720am.

I would like to point out that I do not even own a television - haven't for years. How are we related?


Chris & Rachel Girardi said...

ha! i'm laughing at you in that first pic w/ your sunglasses're so hollywood!

Erin said...

Oh Lord - somehow I found those ugly glasses in my car - my other ones broke in Greece. And I was wearing them bc I had been crying (shocker) and mascara was smeared all over my face.

Chris & Rachel Girardi said...

of course you were...that makes it even better!