Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sorry, Mom and Dad

Every year when I was growing up, there would be like one day a year when one of my parents used to stick their head in the den and say to us, "Hey, there are a lot of sticks in the yard. I need you guys to go outside and pick up sticks." And we would groan and put up such a fight and complain and sulk. I thought of this as I saw this man in Yetebon during harvest week.


Joyce said...

Well! I feel somewhat vindicated, knowing that our level of stickification was paltry compared to the Ethiopian version! By the way, Erin, there are some sticks in the yard from the storms this week-are you ready to come home??? Love-mom

Aledra Hollenbach said...


When do you get home? May we see you at Dulles?


Unknown said...

What did you do with the sticks once you picked them up???