Saturday, November 22, 2008

Greece with Mariah!

So we are in Greece! (Currently we are stranded on the island of Mykonos because the Agean Sea is too choppy for our ferry. Thankfully in a dramatic turn of events today around noon we managed to get tickets for THE LAST TWO SEATS off the island on tonight's last plane.) See below for some of our fun!

Lovely vista we found while exploring Mykonos and trying to find Super Paradise Beach on our Four Wheeler.

Mariah on said Four Wheeler. Let me just say this whole experience was hilarious and ridiculous. There are lots of steep hills on Mykonos. This all-terrain vehicle had seen better days. For the steep inclines, we'd gun it and make it up as far as we could go and then hit the emergency brake, while one of us (me) would have to hop off the back and WALK up the hill, while wearing a helmet. Look people, I am all about being a safe pedestrian.

At the port at Chora on Mykonos!

Mariah just waking on ferry ride from Athens to Myknos. Those fly sunglasses belong to your truly, fyi. And sadly they broke at the beach yesterday when I stepped on them! That's two pairs of awesome sunglasses broken on this trip. This is why I buy sunglasses at Target; I am for too irresponsible for expensive specs.

At the Acropolis! The best part of the Acropolis was the obnoxious, J-Lo dressed, 50 year old lady from New Jersey who took pics for us. She was funniest when speaking under her breath at people who got in the way of the photo-taking process: 1. "Get out of the way, asshole." 2."If you don't move I'm going to kill you."

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