Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Empty Promises!

Dear Yar-Yar,

I apologize for promising and failing to come through on blog posts each and every day of your Finals week at VT. Oh dear. This next anecdote is for you.

Love Erin


Guess who scored FOUR job interviews this week. Go on, guess. Me! I did! And I am so grateful. After 5 months involving only one phone interview for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (at least I have a 100% success rate to date), and no other interviews - this week is my watershed. The risk of this announcement is that I may not get offered any jobs from said interviews. Ha. But hey, I am feeling good here, people.

Yesterday I had my first of the four in Washington DC. On the way to my interview, I was crossing Massachusetts Avenue even though a "DON'T WALK" message was staring me in the face. Pretty much I was thinking I was tough stuff ignoring the signal. The cars were not moving at the onset of the street-crossing... that is until I had taken about 3 steps. The rumble of the engines combined with the feeling of being the world's biggest idiot prompted me to quicken my steps into a slight jog of sorts. This was in an effort to extend a non-verbal "sorry I am an idiot" message to the drivers coming my way. The jog was a bad idea, considering that my heels are a little roomy. I happened to jog right out of my left black pump, leaving it stranded in the middle of Massachusetts Avenue. I shrieked, turned and ran back in a lopsided gait to retrieve my deserted Nine West shoe. The blue Honda slammed on the brakes and I blushed. Also I gave a lame, 'please forgive me' wave in his direction. Eye-contact was too painful an endeavor at that point. Also I got turned around on my way to the office and showed up at 2:02pm rather than 1:50pm which was my goal for the scheduled 2:00pm interview. Way to go, Hatch.

In general I think the interview went alright. Well, even. But really, who knows with those things?

One down, three to go. Hey-ey.


Katie and Chris said...

Congrats on the interview Erin!! I'm kidnapping you next time you're on 95. Love your friend.

Katie and Chris said...

Love you...not love your...it's been a long day. ;-)

Ariana said...

How did the rest go? It's so stressful. I've been on 2 interviews so far in my job search and I hate leaving feeling like I did great, but then freaking out that they actually didn't like me. GAAAH.