Friday, July 10, 2009

Strong Enough for a Man

The Air Conditioning in our office has been broken all week. We sit at our computers and sweat amid our feeble attempts to keep it cool - lights off and blinds drawn. Fewer times than seem warranted, a workman or two have traipsed through the office and tinkered with ceiling tiles. On Wednesday the thermostat announced that our office was a steamy 86 degrees. It may seem silly that armed with this experiential knowledge, yesterday I forgot to wear deodorant. That was unfortunate. For me and my co-workers. In attempts to manage the situation I made frequent trips to the powder room that involved multiple paper towels, the sink, soap dispenser, and careful maneuvering of clothing so as not to get water all over my dress.

We were all slightly cheered on Thursday when the office administrator, Carol shared the good news - the landlord called and a new AC unit will be installed soon. Sweet relief in sight! We were then a bit crestfallen hearing that the new unit must be lifted to the roof with a crane for installation. "That will take forever!" we thought. Thankfully, we were wrong and there was some loud machinery noise out our window this morning. Curious, we timidly pulled the blinds back a bit from our dark and steamy cave to take a peek through the blinds - lo and behold, a crane! (of sorts). And some wonderful men loading up the new unit for the hoist to the roof.

This really good news takes on more personal meaning for yours truly today due to the fact that, though it would seem impossible, I forgot to put on deodorant AGAIN this morning. What? At least I am consistent. This is why I keep a spare in my car's center console at all times. If you ever take similar precautionary measures, just be sure to make it Roll-On; I have come to learn that Solid melts.

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