Tuesday, March 23, 2010

From One Children's Book to Another

Oh how quickly the tides can change. If Shel characterized my weekend, Alexander is taking the lead on characterizing my week. Is there a storm cloud following me around? It's possible....

I mean, I'm sure others of you have tried to cope with terrible, horrible, no good, very bad days by scheduling a last minute massage, as I did (pushing the March envelope-budgeting to its limit!) But I ask you, have you ever sobbed through aforementioned massage? And apologized to the massage therapist when you asked her for a box of Kleenex to leave near your face and assured her the whimpering was "me, it's not you"? And experienced the odd, unnatural physical pain of having a clogged and also runny nose while lying face down for 45 minutes? I did. Yesterday. I don't think I have ever been quite so aware of gravity or my sinuses.

I think I'll move to Australia.


Unknown said...

Erin, Erin, Erin, pumpkin......
everything will be ok. you can always move into the Cocke family hostel if your massage puts you over your budget! (:

Francesca said...

you know, i'm having a terrible, no good day too. you just gotta know there will be another giving tree around the corner :) keep in touch, i love and miss you!

jkilmartin said...


Just picturing the snot dripping from your nose. lol.

While i laugh, it also makes me want to kick someone in the face for making you feel that way. jerk.