Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It's The Thought That Counts?

Three consecutive texts to Julia Rose Diehl this afternoon

1:08pm:  Oh! I just realized it's the 23rd which means you turned 30 yesterdaaaaaaay!  Happy Birthday to my oldest friend! (Years known, not age :) )
1:08pm:  Oh wait. I think your birthday is April, not March
1:09pm:  I'll resend this text next month

Always gracious, Julia responded

1:10pm:  Well at least you were the first to wish me a happy birthday

This reminds me of the time last year when I was a brand new employee at my current company and shouted "Happy Birthday Bettie!" across the parking lot to a co-worker, only to discover a few awkward seconds and confused looks later I mis-read the company calendar the previous day and it was not, in fact, her birthday. 

1 comment:

Esther Diehl said...

For a second I was like, crap...I missed it.