Tuesday, November 1, 2011


A friend of mine died the August after we graduated from college.  It was shocking, sudden.  My brain contains splashes of images and memory in those foggy days after his death.  One intensely vivid memory I hold, is that of his sister's eulogy.  She stood courageously before a sea of faces in a large church sanctuary and opened with, "Nothing can explain the physical pain of losing a brother."  Eight years have passed, I hope to never forget her bravery, or her commitment to her brother.

Today I read this eulogy, penned and delivered by Mona Simpson.  She is sister to the late Steve Jobs.  It is moving.  I am grateful to Ms. Simpson for her vulnerable reveal and the courage it must take to share her heart with a public audience.  Thank you for inviting us to share in your love for your brother.

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