Sunday, November 23, 2008

A Mykonos Photo Essay (With Captions)

Well hey there Mykonos, look how charming you are!

And you have an absolutely lovely coastline!

And your fresh Fruit Market is to die for!

It was all love for Mykonos until the morn of November 22, 2008 dawned. (Dun dun dun)
Feast your eyes upon the view of the stormy Aegean Sea from our hotel balcony.

After we were dealt the first of many blows this fateful day - learning no ferries were running - there was an unexpected bright spot around noon!  This lovely, large, purple-shirt-sporting Greek travel agent booked us on the last 2 seats on the last flight off the island that night!

So we celebrated with a lazy afternoon in charming cafes on quiet Mykonos.
In particular we celebrated with homemade Baklava. Mmmm.

This precious man with chubby-cheeked, dark-curly-haired Greek children owns this charming spot.  He made said Baklava with a family recipe - although he tweaks it a bit.  His mother just uses walnuts in her recipe - he spices it up with pistachios and something else.  I forget.

Chubby-cheeked Greek children playing, I'm sure, some charming Greek-kid game at dusk.

After waiting around at the airport later that night we found out our flight was cancelled due to high winds.  Here we are outside waiting for our cab.  Cab No.4, NOT Cab No.12.  Mariah was obviously amped to realize there was no way for her to possibly make her Int'l flight to Barcelona from Athens the following day.

I had no words.  Only body language that communicated:
 "I am perplexed.  I am at a loss. Wha?"

Perhaps the most absurd part of the evening - the 20 minute trudge (ALL OUR LUGGAGE in tow) up steps, uphill, traversing rugged terrain, dodging cats in gale force winds back up to our Hotel in BFE.  Mariah collapsed during one of our "stop so we can breathe" breaks.  Please note she still is clinging to luggage.  This was actually on a steep incline.

When we made it back to the hotel room I happened to glance at the mirror and I saw my reflection.  I was quite startled.   "Oh dear God" involuntarily escaped my lips.  Add it to the self-portrait gallery.

Morning, Nov 23rd.  Leave Mykonos, Round 2. 
Ground Hog Day, minus Sonny and Cher.

Ya know, we just needed some nurture, something familiar.  So we called a cab to take us to Starbucks to kill 3 hours this afternoon.  And it felt like America gave me a great big hug from the moment we entered.  Starbucks: Little America on Mykonos - complete with Christmas music!  Two months ago I scoffed Starbucks in Europe.  Today I celebrated globalization with a Tall Toffee Nut Latte, with whip.

AND NOW....  I have barely made it to London.  Thank God for Liz and Phil Brown of Uxbridge and their flat, my UK home.  Back to the States tomorrow.  
And now please join me in A Moment of Silence for Mariah, still stuck in Greece - Athens this time.  And another moment of silence for Andrew Breitenberg in Barce/alone/a. (that is his cleverness, not mine)

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