Sunday, November 23, 2008

Photos from Ethiopia

I am in London and cannot sleep.... soooo let's blog it up!


Alrighty, this little bug in the blue dress is Aster.  What a little light.  Love 'er.

Day Care at the Project Mercy KG


If you look closely you will see that this corn is steaming.  Woinochet and Danny gave us corn when we came over to hang out.  NO ONE told me that you are supposed to take the ear of corn, break it in half, and then share.  About 5 minutes into eating corn I noticed I was THE ONLY PERSON with a whole amid many halves.  You guys!  Geez!  Thanks a lot.  I felt like such an idiot.  But we laughed about it a lot.

Abenezer!  When he came to Project Mercy he was malnourished a days away from death.  he's had incredible medical care, is healthy and thriving, has a place to live, and now goes to school.  Yay Abenezer!  And umm hello he is cute as a button.

Look people, you simply cannot go to Ethiopia and NOT teach Leap Frog.

Coke in any language, thoroughly spoken here.
(Please, does ANYONE get this reference?)

Holy Crap, what a looker.

Aww COME ON.  Too awesome, these ones.

Hey, let's sort some beans.  Shall we?


Joyce said...

I get it! I get it! Sandy Patti all the way! coke=love!!
can't wait to see you! Love the pics-mom

S. Spooner said...

coke in any langauge, straight from the heart, pulls us all together, never apart...
Actually, that is kind of true of the cola beverage that built Atlanta.